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15821 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 320, Encino CA 91436 / 818.380.8000

The Little Couple has fought long and hard to become parents, and just when everyone thought they were home and dry they encounter one final obstacle!

Jen Arnold and Bill Klein adopted little Will from China, and after going through a rigorous screening process and flying to Asia to pick up their adorable son they still have one major hurdle—and has an exclusive sneak peek at their ordeal.

Before being allowed to take Will back to his new home the three-year-old has to undergo an in depth medical check and Bill is concerned Jen’s overprotective mom side, combined with her medical expertise—she works as a neonatologist at the Texas Children’s hospital back home in the States—could stand in their way of getting the all clear!

“Will needs to be checked out to make sure he doesn’t have any infectious, contagious diseases before he heads to the U.S.,” explains Jen.

“Every family going through an international adoption has to go through this process—being a physician myself, my biggest concern right now are the things that may affect his ability to travel safely and comfortably.”

“The goal here is to get him home and I just want to make sure we….” Bill starts, before Jen intercepts!

“I won’t go crazy!” The mew mom promises. “I just want to look in his ears. I just want to make sure before the trip he doesn’t have an ear infection, he doesn’t have pain.”

“[Bill's] afraid if I bring up something that’s a problem that it could potentially slow us down from getting on a plane or getting [Will] home,” Jen later explains to the camera.

“By bringing up all these things you may just scare the heck out of those doctors and and actually do more harm than good,” Bill warns.

“It may be difficult for me to separate pediatrics and being mom,” Jen admits, “but at the same time I know I definitely don’t want to be [Will's] doctor.

“I know I am going to be looking for stuff though, just because that’s the way my brain thinks!”

To find out if Will gets the all clear, watch the full episode of The Little Couple on TLC, Tuesday 9/8 central.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Little Couple Worries About Their Son Will’s Health, Bill’s Concerned Jen May Be Overprotective Mom!

By Samantha Darcy